Who is Catherine Gillies?
Catherine worked for the NHS as the Headache Clinical Nurse Specialist for 10 years. She was privileged enough to work with top medical neurology consultant Dr Tyagi who specialised in headaches. Within the team she provided expert treatments and advice/support to primary headache sufferers. ( That's us receiving an award from OUCH for our work with Cluster headache sufferers).

About our Headlines Clinic
Catherine has participated in national education sessions for the Migraine Trust, written for the Neuroscience Journal of Nursing and has been acknowledged in the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network 155, The Management of Migraine. She previously was a director and currently is a member of British Association for the Study of Headache. She is also a member off the Migraine Trust, International Headache society, Organisation for Understanding Cluster Headache and Aesthetic Complications Expert Group.

Headline is one of the few clinics recommended by the Migraine Trust.
The headache service was introduced to the clinic to provide an option for current NHS headache service users and others diagnosed with primary headaches such as chronic migraine and cluster headaches access help privately. Whilst working in the NHS she was aware of the lengthy waiting times for appointments, She now hopes to work in harmony with the fantastic team that she worked with for over 10 years.